Keys to the British Agromyzidae (adults)
The following are draft keys [produced by the National Agromyzidae Recording Scheme organiser]. Additional keys are in preparation and will be published here when complete.
- Provisional key to the British Agromyzidae genera
- Provisional key to the British Aulagromyza species
- Provisional key to the British Amauromyza species
- Provisional key to the British Calycomyza species
- Provisional key to the British Cerodontha sub-genera
- Provisional key to the British Cerodontha (Xenophytomyza) species
- Provisional key to the British Hexomyza species
- Provisional key to the Brititsh Melanagromyza species
- Provisional key to the British Phytobia species
- Provisional key to the British Pseudonapomyza species
- Provisional key to the British Ranunculus stem mining species
If you encounter any issues with the keys, please do contact us.