• Chromatomyia species is added to the Herefordshire vice county list Simon Norman visited Wigmore Rolls, Herefordshire VC36 on 13 July 2024 and found the leaf mines of Chromatomyia centaurii Spencer, 1990. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Simon for submitting the record. 15 July 2024  

  • Seven species are reported as new to Huntingdonshire Diptera list On 13 July 2024, Andy & Melissa Bathorpe visited Paxton Pits Nature Reserve, Huntingdonshire VC31 and recorded seven species new to thge vice county; Agromyza alnibetulae Hendel, 1931 Agromyza flaviceps Fallen, 1823 Amauromyza verbasci (Bouche, 1847) Chromatomyia centaurii Spencer, 1990 Chromatomyia ramosa (Hendel, 1923) Liriomyza […]

  • Birch leaf miner is reported as new to County Durham On 13 July 2024, Edward Pritchard found the larval mine on Agromyza alnibetulae Hendel, 1931 on Birch at RSPB Saltholme, County Durham VC66. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Edward for sending in his record. 15 July 2024

  • Hogweed leaf miner is added to the Nottinghamshire Diptera list Tom Shields recorded the larval mine of Phytomyza heracleana Hering, 1937 at Colwick Park, Nottinghamshire on 11 July 2024. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Tom for sending in his record. 13 July 2024

  • Phytomyza species is reported as new to the Leicestershire list On 11 July 2024, Tom Shields found the leaf mine of Phytomyza origani Hering, 1931 at Wilson, Leicestershire VC55. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Tom for submitting the record. 13 July 2024

  • Chromatomyia species is reported as new to the Ayrshire list Marco McGinty found the larval mine of Chromatomyia periclymeni (de Meijere in Hendel, 1922) on 4 July 2024 at Bogton Loch, Ayrshire VC75. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Marco for submitting the record. 13 July 2024

  • Nettle leaf miner is reported as new to Lanarkshire list Dean Stables collected leaf mines on Nettle from the Forth & Clyde Canal towpath, Glasgow, Lanarkshire VC77 on 3 June 2024 which subsequently produced an adult male of Agromyza pseudoreptans Nowakowski, 1967. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to […]

  • Chromatomyia species is reported as new to West Suffolk list Reg Summers recorded the leaf mine of Chromatomyia ramosa (Hendel, 1923) on 6 July 2024 at Ixworth, West Suffolk VC26. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Reg for sending in his observation. 8 July 2024

  • Liriomyza species is reported as new to North Essex list Ian Carle found the leaf mines of Liriomyza valerianae Hendel, 1932 on Common Valerian at Thorley Wash Nature Reserve, North Essex VC19 on 5 July 2024. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Ian for submitting the record. 8 July […]

  • Teasel leaf miner is added to the Buckinghamshire Diptera list On 5 July 2024, Matthew Harrow recorded the larval  mines on Agromyza dipsaci Hendel, 1927 on Teasel at Colnbrook, Slough, Buckinghamshire VC24. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Matthew for sending in the record. 8 July 2024