• Agromyza leaf miner is added to the Breconshire Diptera list On 29 June 2024, Graham Watkeys found the larval mine of Agromyza albitarsis Meigen, 1830 at Garwnant, Breconshire VC42. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Graham for sending in his record. 30 June 2024

  • Common Chromatomyia species is added to the Denbighshire Diptera list Andy & Melissa Banthorpe visited Pentrefoelas, Denbighshire VC50 on 29 June 2024 and recorded the larval mine of Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau, 1851) on Common Valerian. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Andy & Melissa for submitting their observation. 30 […]

  • Phytomyza seed feeder is reported as new to Cheshire list On 29 June 2024, Chris Hynes found the puparium of Phytomyza varipes Macquart, 1835 in the seeds of Yellow-rattle at Northwich, Cheshire VC58. This is the first record of the species for the vice county. Many thanks to Chris for contacting the scheme. 30 June […]

  • Phytoliriomyza species are reported as new to East Suffolk list Graham Moates recorded the larval mines of Phytoliriomyza melampyga (Loew, 1869) at Wenhaston with Mells Hamlet CP, East Suffolk VC25 on 21 June 2024, this is the first record of the species in the vice county. Many thanks to Graham for sending in his records. […]

  • Rare species is reported as new to the Yorkshire list A male Napomyza cichorii Spencer, 1966 was collected from Hessle, South-east Yorkshire VC61 on 25 June 2024. This is the first record of the species for the vice county and the whole of Yorkshire. 25 June 2024

  • Three species are reported as new to Nottinghamshire Diptera list On 24 June 2024, Tom Shields recorded the leaf mines of Agromyza demeijerei Hendel, 1920 and Phytomyza cytisi Brischke, 1881 on Laburnum at Colwick, Nottinghamshire VC56. Both species are new to the vice county. Tom also found the leaf mine of Agromyza dipsaci Hendel, 1927 […]

  • Stem miner is added to the East Suffolk Diptera list Graham Moates found the stem mine of Ophiomyia aquilegiana Lundqvist, 1947 on Aquilegia at Helmingham Hall, East Suffolk VC25 on 23 June 2024. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Graham for submitting the record. 25 June 2024

  • Agromyza leaf miner is added to the South Lincolnshire list On 24 June 2024, Richard Davidson found the leaf mine of Agromyza dipsaci Hendel, 1927 on Teasel at Whisby Nature Park, South Lincolnshire VC53 which is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Richard for sending in the record. 25 June 2024

  • Phytomyza species is added to the South Northumberland Diptera list On 23 June 2024, Jill Cunningham found the leaf mine of Phytomyza marginella Fallen, 1823 at How Dene, South Northumberland VC67 which represents the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Jill for submitting her observation. 25 June 2024

  • Phytomyza species is added to the South Lancashire Diptera list Andy Donegan recorded the larval mine of Phytomyza marginella Fallen, 1823 at Rufford, South Lancashire on 21 June 2024. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Andy for submitting the record. 25 June 2024