• Phytomyza leaf miner is reported as new to Lanarkshire list On 23 June 2024, Dean Stables spotted the leaf mines of Phytomyza aquilegiae Hardy, 1849 on Aquilegia at Lambhill Stables, Glasgow VC77. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Dean for sending in the record. 25 June 2024

  • Phytomyza species is reported as new to Worcestershire Diptera list On 21 June 2024, Richard Comont recorded the puparium of Phytomyza krygeri Hering, 1949 in Aquilegia seed pods at Malvern, Worcestershire VC37. This is first known record of the species in the vice county. Many thanks to Richard for sending in his record. 21 June […]

  • Aquilegia leaf miner is reported as new to Breconshire list On 21 June 2024, Graham Watkeys found the larval mine of Phytomyza aquilegiae Hardy, 1849 on Aquilegia at Cefn Coed, Breconshire VC42. This is the first record of the species in the vice county. Many thanks to Graham for submitting his record. 21 June 2024

  • Geranium leaf miner is added to the South Northumberland list Lisa Rowley recorded the leaf mine of Agromyza nigrescens Hendel, 1920 on Geranium at Bedlington, South Northumberland VC67 on 20 June 2024. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Lisa for sending in the record. 21 June 2024

  • Phytomyza species is reported as new to South Devon list On 21 June 2024, John Day found the puparium of Phytomyza varipes Macquart, 1835 in Yellow Rattle seeds in South Devon VC3. This is the first record of the species in the vice county. Many thanks to John for submitting his record. 21 June 2024

  • Buttercup leaf miner is reported as new to Bedfordshire list On 19 June 2024, Andy & Melissa Banthorpe visited Sharpenhoe Clappers NR, Bedfordshire VC30 and found the mine of Phytomyza stolonigena Hering, 1949 on Buttercup. This is the first record of the species in the vice county. Many thanks to Andy and Melissa for submitting […]

  • Chromatomyia leaf miner is added to the Cheshire Diptera list Chris Hynes recorded the larval mines of Chromatomyia centaurii Spencer, 1990 on Common Centaury at Northwich, Cheshire VC58 on 19 June 2024. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Chris for sending in his record. 20 June 2024

  • Chromatomyia species is reported as new to the Peeblesshire list On 13 June 2024, Per Smiseth found the leaf mines of Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau, 1851) on Poppy at St Andrews Cemetery, Peebles, Peeblesshire VC78. This is the first record of the species in the vice county. Many thanks to Per for submitting his record. 20 […]

  • Rare leaf miner is added to the Bedfordshire Diptera list On 17 June 2024, Andy & Melissa Banthorpe found the leaf mines of Chromatomyia blackstoniae Spencer, 1990 at Stewartby, Bedfordshire VC30 on Yellow-wort. This is the first record of the species in the vice county. Many thanks to Andy & Melissa for sending in their […]

  • Phytomyza species is reported as new to Cheshire Diptera list Chris Hynes found the puparia of Phytomyza krygeri Hering, 1949 in Aquilegia seed pods at Northwich, Cheshire VC58 on 17 June 2024. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Chris for submitting the record. 17 June 2024