• Phytomyza species is reported as new to West Inverness-shire list On 28 May 2024, Malcolm Haddow found the mines on Phytomyza angelicae Kaltenbach, 1872 on Wild Angelica along the river Spean, West Inverness-shire VC97. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Malcolm for submitting his record. 3 June 2024

  • Liriomyza species is added to the East Norfolk Diptera list James Emerson visited Hockering Wood, East Norfolk VC27 on 31 May 2024 and found the larval mines of Liriomyza pascuum (Meigen, 1838) on Euphorbia. This is the first record for the whole of Norfolk. Many thanks to James for submitting his record. 3 June 2024

  • Leaf miner is reported as new to Westmorland Diptera list On 27 May 2024, Andy & Melissa Banthorpe found the leaf mine of Phytomyza chaerophylli Kaltenbach, 1856 on Cow Parsley at Tebay Service, Westmorland VC69. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Andy & Melissa for sending in their […]

  • Agromyza species is reported as new to the Nottinghamshire list On 21 May 2024, Tom Shields spotted the larval mine of Agromyza flavipennis Hendel, 1920 on Lamium album at Colwick, Nottinghamshire VC56. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Tom for submitting his record. 21 May 2024

  • Grass-feeding species is added to the West Norfolk Diptera list Rob Edmunds collected a male Cerodontha (Xenophytomyza) biseta (Hendel, 1920) from Downham Market, West Norfolk VC28 on 20 May 2024 which is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Rob for getting in touch with the details. 21 May 2024

  • Phytobia species is reported as new to the Dumfriesshire list On 17 May 2024, Paul Cobb found the larval feeding signs of Phytobia cerasiferae (Kangas, 1955) in Blackthorn at Eliock Bridge, Dumfriesshire VC72. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Paul for getting in touch with the scheme. 21 […]

  • Phytomyza species is reported as new to the Bedfordshire list On 18 May 2024, Andy & Melissa Banthorpe found tenanted leaf mines on Mugwort at Sandy Smith NR, Bedfordshire VC30. The next day, the larvae had vacated the mines and pupariated externally, producing shiny-black puparia of Phytomyza artemisivora Spencer, 1971. This is the first known […]

  • Phytomyza species is reported as new to Staffordshire Diptera list On 11 May 2024, David Coles spotted the mine of Phytomyza glechomae Kaltenbach, 1862 on Ground-ivy at Shugborough Forest Garden, Staffordshire VC39 which is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to David for submitting his record. 14 May 2024

  • Phytobia species is reported as new to Wigtownshire Diptera list On 1 May 2024, Jill Cunningham recorded the larval feeding signs of Phytobia cerasiferae (Kangas, 1955) at The Machars, Wigtownshire VC74. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Jill for sending in her record. 1 May 2024

  • Two Phytobia species are added to the Kirkcudbrightshire Diptera list On 30 April 2024, Jill Cunnigham recorded the larval feeding signs of Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848) and Phytobia cerasiferae (Kangas, 1955)  at Carrick, Kirkcudbrightshire VC73. Both species are new to the vice county. Many thanks to Jill for submitting her records. 7 May 2024