Several new vice county records are reported for several species

Many new vice county records have recently been reported and are listed below – many thanks to all those who submitted their observations;

Agromyza alnibetulae Hendel, 1931 – NEW TO VC99. Dean Stables found leaf mines on 31 July 2024 at Forth & Clyde Canal Towpath, Dunbartonshire.

Agromyza demeijerei Hendel, 1920 – NEW TO VC5. Graham Moates recorded leaf mines on 17 July 2024 at Dunster, South Somerset.

Agromyza johannae de Meijere, 1924 – NEW TO VC72. Alison Robertson found leaf mines on 22 July 2024 at Glencaple, Dumfriesshire.

Ophiomyia aquilegiana Lundqvist, 1947 – NEW TO VC26. Graham Moates recorded the larval stem mine at Fullers Mill Garden, West Suffolk on 28 July 2024.

Ophiomyia meladricaulis Hering, 1943 – NEW TO VC30. On 24 July 2024, Andy & Melissa Bathorpe found the larval stem mine at Southill Plantation, Bedfordshire.

Amauromyza flavifrons (Meigen, 1830) – NEW TO VC86. Colin Legg recorded leaf mines on 24 July 2024 at Old Sauchie, Stirlingshire.

Amauromyza labiatatum (Hendel, 1920) – NEW TO VC99. Dean Stables recorded the larval mines at Forth & Clyde Canal Towpath, Dunbartonshire on 31 July 2024.

Aulagromyza luteoscutellata (de Meijere, 1924) – NEW TO VC5. On 18 July 2024, Graham Moates recorded leaf mines at Minehead, South Somerset; NEW TO VC39. Steve Gallis recorded leaf mines on 21 July 2024 at Perton, Staffordshire.

Aulagromyza tremulae (Hering, 1956) – NEW TO VC44. Bev Halstead recorded the larval mine at Ffoslas Farm, Carmarthenshire on 18 July 2024.

Cerodontha iraeos (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851) – NEW TO VC99. Dean Stables found leaf mines on 31 July 2024 at The Saltings, river Clyde, Dunbartonshire.

Chromatomyia centaurii Spencer, 1990 – NEW TO VC19. David Cousins found leaf mines at Great Dunmow, North Essex on 24 July 2024.

Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau, 1851) – NEW TO VC92. Kevin Paterson recorded leaf mines on 20 July 2024 at Newmachar, South Aberdeenshire.

Chromatomyia lonicerae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1851) – NEW TO VC29. Andy & Melissa Bathorpe recorded larval mines on 19 July 2024 at Anglesey Abbey NT, Cambridgeshire.

Chromatomyia ramosa (Hendel, 1923) – NEW TO VC5. Graham Moates recorded larval mines on 17 July 2024 at Blue Anchor Station, South Somerset; NEW TO VC65. On 13 July 2024, Richard Davidson found larval mines at Nosterfield Nature Reserve, North-west Yorkshire.

Chromatomyia syngenesiae Hardy, 1849 – NEW TO VC32. Lisa Rowley recorded mines on Arctium on 26 July 2024 at Laxton, Northamptonshire.

Liriomyza lutea (Meigen, 1830) – NEW TO VC3. John Day found puparia on 20 July 2024 at Bradley Manor Meadow, South Devon; NEW TO VC30. Andy & Melissa Banthorpe also found puparia on 17 July 2024 at Barton Hill Farm, Bedfordshire.

Phytomyza astrantiae Hendel, 1924 – NEW TO VC41. On 16 July 2024, Graham Watkeys found leaf mines at Cyfarthfa Park, Glamorganshire.

Phytomyza cytisi Brischke, 1881 – NEW TO VC3. John Day recorded leaf mines on 21 July 2024 at West Hill Church, South Devon.

Phytomyza krygeri Hering, 1949 – NEW TO VC56. Tom Shields found puparia at Colwick, Nottinghamshire on 25 July 2024.

Phytomyza origani Hering, 1931 – NEW TO VC27. On 27 July 2024, James Emerson and Vanna Bartlett recorded the leaf mines at Bluebell North Allotments, East Norfolk.

Phytomyza pastinacae Hendel, 1923 – NEW TO VC36. John Pilgrim recorded leaf mines on 30 June 2024 at Boughton Arms PH, Herefordshire.

Phytomyza tussilaginis Hendel, 1925 – NEW TO VC99. Dean Stables found leaf mines on 31 July 2024 at Forth & Clyde Canal Towpath, Dunbartonshire.

1 August 2024