Two Phytomyza species are now included in the genus Chromatomyia

In a recently published manuscript*, Phytomyza autumnalis and Phytomyza spinaciae are formally transferred to Chromatomyia. This treatment is based upon the male phallic morphology.

The correct nomenclature for these two species is now:

Chromatomyia autumnalis (Hering, 1957)
Chromatomyia spinaciae (Hendel, 1936)

The United Kingdom Species Inventory has been updated accordingly but these changes won’t be immediate on iRecord etc.

Both species are now included in Chromatomyia on this website.

*von Tschirnhaus, M. 2023. Taxonomic changes and clarifications in Agromyzidae and Chloropidae (Diptera). Studia dipterologica 24 (2) (2017) 273-296.
21 December 2023