• Liriomyza leaf miner is added to the Cheshire Diptera list On 4 July 2024, Chris Hynes found the leaf mines of Liriomyza valerianae Hendel, 1932 on Common Valerian at Northwich, Cheshire VC58. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Chris for getting in touch with the scheme. 4 July 2024

  • Chromatomyia leaf miner is added to the Denbighshire Diptera list On 3 July 2024, Andy and Melissa Banthorpe found the mine of Chromatomyia blackstoniae Spencer, 1990 on Yellow-wort at RSPB Conwy, Denbighshire VC50. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to both for sending in the record. 4 July 2024

  • Two species are reported as new to the Caernarvonshire list Andy & Melissa Banthorpe have added two species to the Caernarvonshire list; Chromatomyia centaurii Spencer, 1990 – 3 July 2024, Great Orme, Caernarvonshire VC49, mines on Common Centaury. Ophiomyia maura (Meigen, 1838) – 3 July 2024, Gwydir Forest Hafna Mine, Caernarvonshire VC49, mine on Solidago. […]

  • Galiomyza genus now treated as a junior synonym of Liriomyza Owing to the taxonomic work of Owen Lonsdale*, the genus Galiomyza is treated as a junior synonym of Liriomyza. Although this treatment was published in 2017, the British checklist was not updated due to one worker not agreeing with the synonymy, however, this is no […]

  • Stem feeding Phytomyza species is added to the Welsh list Andy & Melissa Banthorpe found the puparium of Phytomyza rostrata in Yellow-rattle stem at Bodnant Gardens NT, Denbighshire VC50 on 2 July 2024. This is the first record for the vice county and Wales. Many thanks to both for sending in this excellent record. 3 […]

  • Two Chromatomyia species are added to the Caernarvonshire Diptera list On 2 July 2024, Andy & Melissa Banthorpe visited Bryn Pydew, Caernarvonshire VC49 and recorded the mines of Chromatomyia blackstoniae Spencer, 1990 on Yellow-wort and Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau, 1851) on Toadflax – these are the first record of each species in the vice county. Many […]

  • Laburnum leaf miner is added to the Middlesex Diptera list Robert Homan recorded the larval mines of Phytomyza cytisi Brischke, 1881 at Brunswick Square, Middlesex VC21 on 1 July 2024 which is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Robert for sending in the details. 2 July 2024

  • Seed feeder is reported as new to Flintshire Diptera list On 1 July 2024, Andy & Melissa Banthorpe found the puparium of Phytomyza varipes Macquart, 1835 in Yellow-rattle seeds at Gronant Dunes, Flintshire VC51. This is first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Andy & Melissa for sending in their record. 1 July […]

  • Two species are reported as new to the Anglesey list On 30 June 2024, Andy & Melissa Banthorpe visited Anglesey VC52 and added two species to the vice county; Chromatomyia centaurii Spencer 1990 mines on Common Centaury at RSPB South Stack and Phytomyza chaerophylli Kaltenbach, 1856 on Cow Parsley on the Penrhos Coastal Park. Many […]

  • Teasel leaf miner is reported as new to Herefordshire list On 30 June 2024, Reg Summers found the larval mines of Agromyza dipsaci Hendel, 1927 on Teasel at Wellington Heath, Herefordshire VC36. This is the first record of the species for the vice county. Many thanks to Reg for sending in his record. 1 July […]