• Phytomyza species is reported as new to South-east Yorkshire list On 30 April 2024, a single male Phytomyza continua Hendel, 1920 was swept from mixed vegetation in Anlaby, South-east Yorkshire VC61, representing the first record for the vice county. 3 May 2024

  • Honeysuckle leaf miner is added to the Lanarkshire Diptera list On 22 April 2024, Dean Stables found a tenanted leaf mine on Honeysuckle at Kelvin walkway, Glasgow VC77 which produced a puparium on 25 April 2024. The puparium was identified as Aulagromyza cornigera (Griffiths, 1973) which is the first known record of the species in […]

  • Rare species recorded along the bank of the river Humber On 20 April 2024, three male Napomyza merita Zlobin, 1993 were swept from mixed vegetation along the Humber estuary, South-east Yorkshire VC61, representing just the third, fourth and fifth British records of the species. This species was first found in the UK (East Norfolk) by […]

  • Phytobia species is officially added to the Westmorland Diptera list Robert Homan found the medullary spots of Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848) in a Hawthorn stem at Ings, Westmorland VC69 on 17 April 2024. This is the first known record for the vice county. Many thanks to Robert for sending in his record. 18 April 2024

  • Cerodontha species is reported as new to Lanarkshire Diptera list On 15 February 2024, leaf mines, with puparia, in Luzula sylvatica were collected from Kelvin walkway, Glasgow, Lanarkshire VC77 which subsequently produced adults of Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) luzulae (Groschke & Hering, 1957), a species previously not known from the vice county. 16 April 2024

  • Two Phytobia species are added to the Cumberland Diptera list Robert Homan visited Rosthwaite, Cumberland VC70 on 14 April 2024 and recorded the medullary spots of Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848) and Phytobia cerasiferae (Kangas, 1955). Both species were previously unknown from the vice county. Many thanks to Robert for sending in his records. 15 April […]

  • Two Phytobia species are added to the Flintshire Diptera list On 5 April 2024, Bryan Dickinson recorded the larval feeding signs of Phytobia carbonaria (Zetterstedt, 1848) and Phytobia cerasiferae (Kangas, 1955) at St Asaph, Flintshire VC51. Bryan’s observations are the first record of each species in the vice county. Many thanks for Bryan for getting […]

  • Chromatomyia species is reported as new to Dorset Diptera list On 9 April 2024, Matthew Ames found the larval mines on Chromatomyia ramosa (Hendel, 1920) on Teasel at Portland, Dorset VC9. This is the first record for the vice county. Many thanks to Matthew for sending in his record. 15 April 2024

  • Phytobia species is added to another Welsh vice county list On 5 March, John Lyden visited the Montgomeryshire Canal, VC47 and found the larval feeding signs of Phytobia cerasiferae (Kangas, 1955) in Blackthorn stems. This is the first known record of the species in the vice county. Many thanks to John for submitting his record. […]

  • Rare Phytomyza species is added to the Hertfordshire Diptera list On 26 March 2024, William Bishop found the larval leaf mines of Phytomyza phillyreae Hering in Buhr, 1930 on Phillyreae in a churchyard at Bayford, Hertfordshire, VC20. This is the first record for the vice county and just the fourth known vice county for the species. […]